ACS5/ACS1 2010: Total Population: B01001_001 Housing Units: B25001_001 Persons below 150% Poverty level: C17002_002 C17002_003 C17002_004 C17002_005 Population poverty known: C17002_001 Percentage poverty: Persons below 150% Poverty level/Population poverty known Civilian unemployed: B23001_008 B23001_015 B23001_022 B23001_029 B23001_036 B23001_043 B23001_050 B23001_057 B23001_064 B23001_071 B23001_094 B23001_101 B23001_108 B23001_115 B23001_122 B23001_129 B23001_136 B23001_143 B23001_150 B23001_157 Civilian employment known: B23001_006 B23001_013 B23001_020 B23001_027 B23001_034 B23001_041 B23001_048 B23001_055 B23001_062 B23001_069 B23001_092 B23001_099 B23001_106 B23001_113 B23001_120 B23001_127 B23001_134 B23001_141 B23001_148 B23001_155 Percentage unemployed: Civilian unemployed/Civilian employment known Owner Housing cost mortgage 30 or greater: B25091_008 B25091_009 B25091_010 B25091_011 Owner housing cost no mortgage 30 or greater: B25091_019 B25091_020 B25091_021 B25091_022 Rent percentage of income 30 or greater: B25070_007 B25070_008 B25070_009 B25070_010 Owner housing mortgage + renters: B25091_001 + B25070_001 Pct Non-affordable housing: (Owner Housing cost mortgage 30 or greater + Owner housing cost no mortgage 30 or greater + Rent percentage of income 30 or greater)/ (Owner housing mortgage + renters) Persons 25 & up, no HS diploma: B15002_003 B15002_004 B15002_005 B15002_006 B15002_007 B15002_008 B15002_009 B15002_010 B15002_020 B15002_021 B15002_022 B15002_023 B15002_024 B15002_025 B15002_026 B15002_027 Total educational attainment persons 25+: B15002_001 Pct no HS ED age 25+: Persons 25 & up, no HS diploma/Total educational attainment persons 25+ Uninsured health (NOTE: USE 2012 ACS5): C27010_006 C27010_011 C27010_016 C27010_021 Total insurance status (NOTE: USE 2012 ACS5): C27010_001 Pct uninsured (NOTE: USE2012 ACS5): Uninsured health/Total insurance status Age 65+: B01001_020 B01001_021 B01001_022 B01001_023 B01001_024 B01001_025 B01001_044 B01001_045 B01001_046 B01001_047 B01001_048 B01001_049 Age 17 and under: B01001_003 B01001_004 B01001_005 B01001_006 B01001_027 B01001_028 B01001_029 B01001_030 Total population: B01001_001 Pct Age 65+: Age 65+/Total pop Pct 17 & under: Age 17 & under/Total pop Disabled 18+ civilians (NOTE: USE 2012 ACS5): C21007_005 C21007_008 C21007_012 C21007_015 C21007_020 C21007_023 C21007_027 C21007_030 Total civilians (NOTE: USE 2012 ACS5): C21007_001 Pct Disabled (NOTE: USE 2012 ACS5): Disabled 18+ civilians/Total civilians Single parent households: B11004_010 B11004_016 Total households: B11004_001 Pct single parent households: Single parent households/Total households Persons age 5+ who speak less than well English: B16004_007 B16004_008 B16004_012 B16004_013 B16004_017 B16004_018 B16004_022 B16004_023 B16004_029 B16004_030 B16004_034 B16004_035 B16004_039 B16004_040 B16004_044 B16004_045 B16004_051 B16004_052 B16004_056 B16004_057 B16004_061 B16004_062 B16004_066 B16004_067 Total pop age 5+: B16004_001 Pct pop who speak less than well English: Persons age 5+ who speak less than well English/Total pop age 5+ Minority: B03002_004 B03002_005 B03002_006 B03002_007 B03002_008 B03002_009 B03002_013 B03002_014 B03002_015 B03002_016 B03002_017 B03002_018 B03002_019 Total pop known race/ethnicity: B03002_001 Pct minorities: Minority/Total pop known race/ethnicity Greater than 10 units in structure: B25024_007 B25024_008 B25024_009 Mobile homes: B25024_010 All structures: B25024_001 Pct units > 10: Greater than 10 units in structure/All structures Pct mobile: Mobile homes/All structures Crowding: B25014_005 B25014_006 B25014_007 B25014_011 B25014_012 B25014_013 Total occupants per room: B25014_001 Pct in crowded housing: Total occupants per room/Crowding Households no vehicle: B25044_003 B25044_010 Total households with known vehicle status: B25044_001 Pct with no vehicle: Households no vehicle/Total households with known vehicle status Group quarters: B09016_033 Total Household type: B09016_001 Percent group quarters: Group quarters/Percent group quarters